
IEP (Individualized Education Program)

Maintaining and Revising Services

Overview of IEP Implementation and Maintenance

Implementation of 特殊教育 Services

A team led by the case manager and supported by other special education teachers, general education teachers and instructional assistants delivers specially designed instruction (SDI). Related service providers lead and provide the delivery of their related service specialty with assistance from instructional assistants or other staff. Adaptations to general education curriculum may be implemented by any delivery team member, but should always have significant input from the general education teacher.


All aspects of special education require ongoing data collection to assess their effectiveness. 目标是增长, if growth cannot be demonstrated, then a new instructional approach must be taken.

How frequently are services adjusted?

IEP implementation is a repetitive cycle intended to grow and adapt with each individual student. On a yearly basis, it includes creating the IEP, implementation, and measuring progress. Every three years an additional step, re-evaluation, is added. 这是最小频率. If necessary, IEP meetings, amendments or evaluation can occur more often.


Measuring student progress is a crucial step in the IEP process, allowing the IEP team to assess whether or not the student is progressing, and what adjustments may be necessary. This begins with the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, or PLAAFPs. The purpose of PLAAFPs is to provide a comprehensive overview of the student?s current educational performance, in order to measure progress. They drive the goals and objectives, specially designated instruction, 相关服务, supplementary aids and services, and other additional supports needed for the student.

Each IEP goal also contains a progress monitoring period. At each progress monitoring period, the IEP case manager will review data collected throughout that period to determine if progress is being made. Progress will be recorded on the IEP and the progress report is available to parents/ guardians through the IEP case manager. Annually, at minimum, these progress reports are used to revise or update the student?年代IEP.


对教育数据的需求 Alliance for Excellent Education


The purpose of a reevaluation is to determine continuing or changing eligibility for special education services. 重新评估s are conducted when the District determines that the educational or related service needs warrant a reevaluation; or if the student?s Parent/Guardian or teacher requests a reevaluation.

由法律规定, a reevaluation occurs every three years but not more than once a year unless Parents and the District agree otherwise. Possible rationale(s) for reevaluation: three-year requirement, 家长/学校要求, 类别变更, consideration of change in placement, or consideration of termination of services.

The District must reevaluate a student before determining that the student is no longer eligible for special education services; 然而, a reevaluation is not required before the termination of a student?s eligibility due to graduation from high school with a regular diploma or prior to termination of services due to the student exceeding the age of eligibility for special education services.


重新评估s are not automatically conducted if students are not enrolled. Parents must request a reevaluation.


Placement defines the setting, intensity, and instructional content of each student?年代服务. Placement is a concept and term universal to special education under IDEA. It is a fundamental part of the IEP process.

The goal of special education instruction is to teach students skills and information. The intended benefit is growth that allows students to learn in a less restrictive setting, with fewer supports and more closely aligned with the general education curriculum. One outcome growth is a change of placement.

增长, 然而, 并不总是线性的, and sometimes the best instruction in a less restrictive placement is not allowing the student to gain benefit from their education. In this case, the IEP team may agree that a student requires a more restrictive setting.